
A selection of original vintage movie posters that we have sold in the past, some being extremely rare. These posters are not available for sale at this point, and this page is intended for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only.

In case you are the lucky owner of any of the posters shown here, and consider a possible sale: We would be glad to hear from you!

Human Wreckage (Human Wreckage)
Original release US window card movie poster, Style A. Great design on this early anti-drug exploiter. Posters on this title are extremely rare, and t […]
Monster a Go Go (Monster a Go Go)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for the trash science fiction flic. Light tanning throughout, overall still quite nice. With Philip Morton, […]
A Clockwork Orange (Uhrwerk Orange)
Original release country-of-origin British Quad movie poster. With Malcolm McDowell, directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Dawn of the Dead (Zombie)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for the zombie horror classic. Unused, with only light wear and a light extra fold. With David Emge, Ken For […]
The Godfather (Der Pate)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for the classic. With Marlon Brando, James Caan, Al Pacino, directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
Muhammad Ali: Skill, Brains and Guts (Muhammad Ali: Skill, Brains and Guts)
Original US Onesheet movie poster for the Muhammad Ali documentary. A re-titled re-release of A.K.A MUHAMMAD ALI from 1970, this is definitely the gre […]
The Ipcress File (Ipcress - Streng geheim)
Original release large french movie poster. With Michael Caine, Nigel Green, Guy Doleman, directed by Sidney J. Furie.
20000 Leagues under the Sea (20000 Meilen unter dem Meer)
Re-release British Quad movie poster. The design works quite beautifully in the horizontal size. With Kirk Douglas, James Mason, Peter Lorre, directed […]
Blue Velvet (Blue Velvet)
Original release British Quad movie poster. Unused, but light creasing in the image area. With Isabella Rossellini, Dennis Hopper, directed by David L […]
Big Wednesday (Tag der Entscheidung)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster. Unused, but light creasing throughout. With Jan-Michael Vincent, William Katt, directed by John Milius.
The Seven Year Itch (Das verflixte siebente Jahr)
Re-release german movie poster. The outstanding, timeless design makes this one of the most popular german posters from the 60s. With Marilyn Monroe, […]
Blow-Up (Blow Up)
Original release italian locandina movie poster. Very rare yellow style. With David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave, directed by Michelangelo Antonioni.
Jaws (Der weisse Hai)
Origina US record store poster, made to promote the movie soundtrack. Much, much rarer than the theatrical posters for this film. Light border wear, o […]
Dodeska-Den (Dodeskaden - Menschen im Abseits)
Original release, very rare japanese Tatekan size movie poster. The artwork was created by Akira Kursowas himself and was exclusively used for this po […]
2001 - A Space Odyssey (2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum)
Re-release large french movie poster. Very impressive in this size. With Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, directed by Stanley Kubrick.
The Holy Mountain (Montana Sacra)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for the weird classic. Tape in the back on all four corners, that does not affect the front. Directed by Ale […]
This is Spinal Tap (This is Spinal Tap)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster. Mockumentary on a fictitious british rock band. A fun poster for one of the funniest movies ever made! With […]
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (James Bond 007 - Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster. With George Lazenby as James Bond 007, directed by Peter Hunt.
Dawn of the Dead (Zombie)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for the zombie horror classic. Unused, with only minimal signs of wear. With David Emge, Ken Foree, Scott H. […]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Das Imperium schlägt zurück)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for Part 2 of the Star Wars saga, Advance Style in beautiful condition. With Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, dir […]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Das Imperium schlägt zurück)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for Part 2 of the Star Wars saga, Withdrawn 'Gone with the Wind' Style A, NSS version. The most in demand po […]
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Das Imperium schlägt zurück)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for Part 2 of the Star Wars saga, Style B NSS version in beautiful condition. With Harrison Ford, Mark Hamil […]
The Godfather (Der Pate)
Original release British onesheet movie poster. An iconic design and easily the best poster for the movie. Poster is unused, in great condition and wa […]
Walt Disney's Jungle Book (Das Dschungelbuch)
Rare original release US Onesheet movie poster for the Walt Disney classic. Trifolded only, with no vertical fold line. Will ship rolled. Directed by […]
Star Wars (Krieg der Sterne)
Original Style A Onesheet movie poster, 4th printing. Small stain in the lower right border, otherwise very nice. With Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, dir […]
The French Connection (Brennpunkt Brooklyn)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster. With Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider, directed by William Friedkin.
Hitler's Beasts (Hitler's Beasts)
Re-release US Onesheet for HITLER, BEAST OF BERLIN, the 1939 anti-Nazi propaganda flic. Very rare and very, very crude. With Alan Ladd, Roland Drew, S […]
Hulot's Holiday (Die Ferien des Monsieur Hulot)
Original release east-german movie poster for Jaques Tati's comedy classic. This poster was backed a long time ago, most likely still in East-Germ […]
Funny Face (Das rosarote Mannequin)
Original german movie poster for the first re-release. A timeless 1960s design. In my opinion, this is a lot nicer than the original german poster. Wi […]
To catch a Thief (Über den Dächern von Nizza)
Original german movie poster for the first re-release. Linenbacked, with only small touch-ups at folds. With Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, directed by Alfr […]
Le Mans (Le Mans)
Original release large french movie poster. Great design for the Steve McQueen car racing classic. Directed by John Sturges and Lee H. Katzin.
Breakfast at Tiffany's (Frühstück bei Tiffany)
Original release german movie poster for the classic, linenbacked with only small repairs. With Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, directed by Blake Edwa […]
Rocky IV (Rocky IV - Der Kampf des Jahrhunderts)
Original 'Fight Card' designed and printed for a local cinema in North Carolina. A nice idea, and a pretty smart realisation makes this a personal fav […]
Kin-dza-dza! (Kin-dza-dza!)
Re-release japanese movie poster for the weird russian science fiction cult flic. With Stanislav Lyubshin, Evgeniy Leonov, Yuriy Yakovlev, directed by […]
Fitzcarraldo (Fitzcarraldo)
Original release czech movie poster for the Autorenfilm classic. With Klaus Kinski, Claudia Cardinale, directed by Werner Herzog.
Saturday Night Fever (Nur Samstag Nacht)
Original release czech movie poster for THE hit movie of 1977! With John Travolta, Karen Gorney, directed by John Badham, Music from The Bee Gees.
E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial (E.T. - Der Ausserirdische)
Original release czech movie poster. With Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore, directed by Steven Spielberg.
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Das Imperium schlägt zurück)
Original german doublepanel movie poster for Part 2 of the Star Wars saga. Black title version. With Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, directed by George Lu […]
Gigi goes to Pot (Gigi goes to Pot)
Original release US Onesheet X-Rated movie poster. With Tallie Cochrane, Kim Lewid, Art North, directed by Sam S. Catah.
577 to 624 (from a total of 1571)